Escalate AI Chats With Multi-Level Support
Escalate Agent Chat Service Tier
Transfer chats to other pipeline stages/agent lists with the agent escalation feature
This feature is helpful for service desks with multi-level or departmental support groups. You can to specific groups of agents based on the user queries such as HR or App support
Escalation allows for incoming users to be routed to the best agents for their support needs
Through the use of this feature the amount of wait time for incoming users where agents need to gather information and troubleshoot is cut down by routing to an agent list under the category for their support query
Connect To Agent With Escalation Features
Ensure the following feature is enabled:
Ensure the feature is enabled: ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation
When the feature is enabled it adds in a pipeline stage, flow stage, associated metadata, and reports using associated metadata.
Pipeline Configuration
Key: ID of the pipeline item
Next Stage: ID of the pipeline item to invoke if the chat was connected to an agent. Leave blank to end chat
Drop Stage: ID of the pipeline item to invoke if the chat was ended before connecting to an agent. Leave blank to end chat
Maximum Wait Time: Number of seconds that a chat can wait without being connected to an agent before timing out
On Waiting Timeout Next Stage: ID of the next pipeline item to invoke if the chat is not routed to an agent before the max waiting time
Still Searching for Agent Message Interval: Number of seconds between sending the still searching for agent message
Agent Accept Timeout: Number of seconds before a prompt to an agent to accept a chat expires
Routing Mode: Method that will be used to select agents to route to (Broadcast Routing or Round-Robin Hunt Routing)
Agent List: The list of agents that will be routed to and prompted
Escalation Options: Options for escalating the chat to another pipeline stage or agent list
Adaptive Card Messages:
Guest Initial Waiting Message: Message sent to the guest when starting to search for an agent
Still Searching for Agent Message: Message sent to the guest periodically when still searching for an agent
Guest Connected to Agent: Message sent to the guest when they are connected to an agent
Agent Connect to Guest: Message sent to the agent when they are connected to the guest
Agent Left Chat: Message sent to the guest when the agent levaes the chat
Guest Left Chat: Message sent to the agent when the guest leaves the chat
Guest Escalated Message: Message sent to the guest when they are escalated to another agent or agent list
Agent Experience
Agents can escalate a chat by selected the escalate button or typing /escalate
Agents are then prompted with escalation options and upon selection are disconnected from the chat.
Incoming User Experience
Incoming users after being escalated are notified in chat
When the incoming user begins routing to a new agent list after escalation they will see the guest initial waiting message
Metadata & Flow
When the chat session has ended the metadata and flow tab are both populated. The flow tab shows when the agent escalated the chat and to which pipeline stage/agent list they transferred to. Metadata also shows this with some additional details:
We have associated reports that are added when the escalation feature is enabled allowing for easy tracking of escalated chat sessions.
Level 1 Escalated Chats
Level 1 Chats Handled vs Escalated Over Time
Level 1 Chats Handled vs Escalated by Agent