Improve Chat Routing and AI Responses Based on User Information and Roles

Route VIP Chats

Use AI to Route Chats to Departments

Route Chats using Azure AD Properties

Customize Chat for Each Person

Route AI chat based on job and if VIP

Automatically Pull User Information During AI Chat Sessions

Automatically pulling user information allows the chat service to provide a more personalized and efficient experience - including routing and agent notifications. By seamlessly integrating with Microsoft Entra and Azure AD properties, we can access key details like job titles and roles.

This enables us to tailor support interactions based on each user's position, ensuring that VIPs and executives receive prioritized attention while others are routed appropriately. With this streamlined approach, your team can focus on delivering faster, more relevant support to every user.

Use Job Titles to Prioritize Chat Support for VIP Users

Job titles can tell you a lot about a user's role and importance within an organization. By leveraging this information, your helpdesk can automatically identify VIP users, such as executives or high-level managers, and prioritize their support requests. For example, a CFO’s inquiry could be routed to a senior support team member for faster resolution, ensuring critical issues are addressed promptly. This targeted approach not only improves the user experience for VIPs but also enhances overall operational efficiency by aligning resources with the specific needs of different users.

Help VIPs get support using chat and AI

Improve Chat Routing and AI replies with Role-Based Insights

Role-based insights take your helpdesk to the next level when combined with AI chatbot technology. By incorporating user roles, job titles, or even office locations into the chatbot's prompts, the AI can deliver highly specific and relevant support.

For example, a Vice President of Operations could instantly receive targeted guidance on accessing performance dashboards or resolving high-priority issues, while an employee in a regional office might get location-specific support. This personalized approach not only speeds up resolution times but also enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that everyone gets relevant and efficient assistance tailored to their needs.

Use chat to route to many departments

Add Custom Routing and AI Replies using Azure AD

Getting these features available for use in Chime V5 takes some setup from a Chime Admin as well as an Azure Admin.

When initially setting up the Chime V5 application, the Azure Admin approved Chime V5 to access some user profile info with the app permissions: [ profile - Delegated ] [ User.Read - Delegated ]

  • To enable the use of these features, we will also want to enable the [ User.Read.All - Application ] Graph API permission.

  • Azure Admin needs to find the Chime V5 Application in the Azure Portal. It will be under Azure AD/Microsoft Entra ID and then App Registrations.

  • When in the application, select API permissions menu option and Add a permission.

  • From the permissions, find User.Read.All - Application and select it. After this is added, you may need to click the Grant admin consent for your organization button to have the permissions fully get configured.

  • Now, click on Certificates & secrets option on the left side. Here we will need to create a new client secret that can be used in Chime for this application. Once you have created one, record the value as it will need to be use along with the values in the next step.

  • Finally, you will need navigate to the Overview page for this app registration and record the Display Name, Directory (tenant) ID, and Application (client) ID, for the Chime V5 Admin to use in the next steps.

Configure Entra ID to help route chat requests based on role and title

The Chime V5 Admin will need to receive the Application Display Name, Application (client) ID, Directory (tenant) ID, and Client Secret to get started here.

  • Navigate to the Chime Admin area. To get there, click the profile button in the top right of the Chime V5 web application and then select Admin Dashboard.

  • Here, we will want to click on the Configuration option in the left-side menu and then Features from that list. In the features

  • Next, click Chime Settings on the left-side menu, and then Features from the list.

  • In this page, enter “Graph” into the search bar and enable the two features ChimeV5.GraphApi, and ChimeV5.GraphClient

use azure AD to route chats based on entra id properties and titles
  • Next, navigate back to the left-side menu and click Chime Settings, then Graph Client which should show up on the list now.

  • In this page, enter in the Display Name, Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret that the Azure Admin collected earlier.

  • Click the Test Credentials button to ensure these are all configured correctly, then click Save.

how to use Azure AD to route chats by role or properties