Jira Chat Ticketing Details and Configuration Steps

Connect Chat To Jira Ticketing Using Instant Chime

The Jira ticketing feature within Chime aims to provide Jira integration for your employees or end users in a seamless way through Microsoft Teams. The ticketing integration provides users information on existing tickets they have open, gives them the option to update tickets, create new tickets, or get help from a live service representative who can see additional information about tickets the end user has raised.

Supported Features

Here are the set of features that are provided out of the box with Jira ticketing integration:

End User

  • List out tickets to the end user during the chat session

  • View the details of any listed tickets

  • Open ticket details in your web browser

  • Update existing ticket description

  • Create new tickets


  • View ticket details

  • Open ticket in web browser


  • Reports for ticketing

    • Inbound Guests for New vs Existing Tickets (Bar)

    • New Tickets Over Time (Line)

    • Ticketing Basic Details (Table)

    • Tickets By ITSM Provider (Doughnut)

Jira Ticketing Setup Steps

To integrate Chime V5 with your Atlassian JIRA instance following details are required:

  • JIRA instance URL - (e.g. https://domain-name.atlassian.net)

  • Service account username

  • API token for service account

Create Service Account in Atlassian JIRA

Steps to create Atlassian JIRA Service Account are as follows:

  • Login to your JIRA instance with an account which has User Management rights

  • Select Administration > User Management

  • Select Invite Users

  • Enter the email address of the Service Account that you want to create

  • Select the Send button to send the invitation

  • Follow the steps sent across in email to provision Atlassian JIRA Service Account

  • Assign service account agent role

Create an API token for Atlassian JIRA Service Account

Steps to create API token are as follows:

  • From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create

  • Save generated token

JIRA technote (for reference) - https://support.atlassian.com/atlassian-account/docs/manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account/

Update Chime V5 Configuration

  • Navigate to Admin > Chime Settings > JIRA section

  • Input credentials for Jira instance URL, service account username, and the API token you generated

  • Click the Test Connection button and verify the credentials successfully can authenticate

  • Click the Save button to finish the Jira setup.

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